Has your target market changed?
So let's pretend you are an event caterer! You have been in business for a couple years and originally you thought your target market would be brides but it turns out you have actually been doing a lot more corporate events and luncheons (go you and your imaginary biz!). This would probably need a significant branding shift to showcase where your business is thriving. Or maybe you relocated? Brides in Paducah Kentucky are more than likely looking for something very different than brides in LA. It is important to always evaluate your target market and make sure your brand is aligning with their needs.
Has your products or services changed?
Let's keep chatting about this catering biz that you are rocking. Now that you are noticing you are booking more corporate events then weddings it may be time to stop offering wedding cakes. This may be a huge part of your current branding that isn't making you any $$$$. Your products have to be brand focused which will also be client focused!
Is the competition passing you by?
Do your competitors have a beautiful site that looks professional, fresh and inviting? The majority of people (especially millennials) pick everything from restaurants, to dry cleaners, gyms, basically everything after looking at a companies website. What is your site saying about you? If you feel like your falling behind and not attracting those amazing client that you deserve then it may be time to rebrand to reflect how AWESOME your biz is.
Did any of these question get you thinking that it may be time to rebrand? Lets chat! Click the button below to contact me.